Fresh from Nature®

Welcome to Fresh from Nature®: the ideal site to pick up information and interesting tips about all of our Fresh from Nature® plants that are available to you at garden centres and florist shops. After all, whether you have a garden, a patio or a balcony, flowers and plants make life a lot nicer. Fresh from Nature® products are divided into eight categories, each with its own colour code in which blue, for example, would include the Lavendula angustifolia Felice® series and purple would include the Lavendula stoechas Anouk ® series.  This makes them all easy to find!

All of our Fresh from Nature® plants are produced by a select group of prominent growers who use sustainable cultivation methods without using any products that could possibly harm bees and other beneficial insects. This means you can be assured of buying a high-quality plant that has been grown with the greatest of care, including serious consideration of the environment.  The MPS-GAP and MPS-SQ certificates that Fresh from Nature® can provide are demonstrations of our ‘environmentally conscious and socially qualified’ practices. If you would like to know more about MPS and the requirements its certificates demand from growers, click here.

The range of products currently available from Fresh from Nature®:

Plant breeding


Bees & Butterflies